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What is a SUICheckBox for?

  • SUICheckBox is a “box” that can be checked and unchecked to perform a certain action that can be completely modified according to your needs.

⚠️ If you don't know how to create a new interface element, see more about creating an interface element ⚠️



  • The texture of the SUICheckBox.

⚠️ If you don't know how to modify the texture by script, see more about it at how to modify the texture of a SUICheckBox by script using Java ⚠️


  • The border type of the SUICheckBox.

  • Simple type of image.

  • Image with customizable borders.


  • The borders of the SUICheckBox.

⚠️ For the SUICheckBox to have customizable borders, the type must be Sliced ⚠️

⚠️ If you don't know the difference between DIP and PIXEL, see more about difference between dip and pixel ⚠️

⚠️ If you don't know how to modify the SUICheckBox image border type by script, see more about [How to modify SUICheckBox image type by script using Java] ⚠️


  • The color of the SUICheckBox.

⚠️ If you don't know how to modify the color of a SUICheckBox by script, see more about how to modify the color of a SUICheckBox by script using Java ⚠️

Ignore mask

  • This option will decide whether the SUIMask of the SUICheckBox will be ignored or not.

⚠️ If you don't know how to enable or disable the SUICheckBox mask by script, see more about [how to enable or disable the SUICheckBox mask by script using Java] ⚠️


  • The SUICheckBox touch events.


  • Defines whether the SUICheckBox can be clicked or not.

⚠️ If you don't know how to modify the color of a SUICheckBox by script, see more about how to modify the color of a SUICheckBox by script using Java ⚠️

Ignore slide from outside to inside

  • Defines if the touch from the outside to the inside of the SUICheckBox will be ignored or not.

Dispatch touch when out of rect

  • Defines if the touch outside the SUICheckBox area will be ignored or not.

Input mode

  • SUICheckBox's touch detection mode.

Layer system
  • It uses the hierarchy of layers to detect the touch of the SUICheckBox.
  • The SUICheckBox can be touched even if it is on a different layer than other SUI components.


  • The touch area of ​​the SUICheckBox.

  • The touch area will be in that same SUICheckBox.
  • The touch area will be the parent object (a SUI component) of this SUICheckBox.
  • The touch area of ​​the SUICheckBox will be another object (a SUI component) chosen.

⚠️ If you don't know how to modify the SUICheckBox target by script, see more in [how to modify SUICheckBox target by script using Java] ⚠️


  • Defines whether the SUICheckBox will be checked or not.

⚠️ If you don't know how to set whether or not SUICheckBox will be scripted, see how to set whether or not SUICheckBox by script using Java ⚠️