class AtomicInteger
An AtomicInteger is a int value that need to be updated atomically, see java.util.concurrent.atomic package to view atomic specifications.
public class AtomicInteger
— Constructors (2) —
Constructor | Description |
AtomicInteger() | Creates a new AtomicInteger with the default value set to 0. |
AtomicInteger(int value) | Creates a new AtomicInteger with the default value set to be "value" argument. |
— Methods (12) —
Name | Description |
int get() | Return the current int value. |
void set(int value) | Set the current value to be "value" argument. |
void lazySet(int value) | set the current int value to be "value" argument at any time. |
boolean compareAndSet(int expected, int update) | If the current value is equal to "expected" argument, the current value will be set to be "update" argument. |
boolean weakCompareAndSet(int expected, int update) | If the current value is equal to "expected" argument, the current value will be set to be "update" argument. |
int getAndSet(int value) | Return the current int value and set to be "value" argument. |
int getAndIncrement() | Return the current int value and increment the current value by one. |
int getAndDecrement() | Return the current int value and decrement the current value by one. |
int incrementAndGet() | Increment the current value by one and returns the current value. |
int decrementAndGet() | Decrement the current value by one and returns the current value. |
int getAndAdd(int value) | Returns the current value and adds to be "value" argument. |
int addAndGet(int value) | Adds the value to be "value" argument, and returns the current value. |