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class AtomicInteger

An AtomicInteger is a int value that need to be updated atomically, see java.util.concurrent.atomic package to view atomic specifications.

public class AtomicInteger

— Constructors (2) —

AtomicInteger()Creates a new AtomicInteger with the default value set to 0.
AtomicInteger(int value)Creates a new AtomicInteger with the default value set to be "value" argument.

— Methods (12) —

int get()Return the current int value.
void set(int value)Set the current value to be "value" argument.
void lazySet(int value)set the current int value to be "value" argument at any time.
boolean compareAndSet(int expected, int update)If the current value is equal to "expected" argument, the current value will be set to be "update" argument.
boolean weakCompareAndSet(int expected, int update)If the current value is equal to "expected" argument, the current value will be set to be "update" argument.
int getAndSet(int value)Return the current int value and set to be "value" argument.
int getAndIncrement()Return the current int value and increment the current value by one.
int getAndDecrement()Return the current int value and decrement the current value by one.
int incrementAndGet()Increment the current value by one and returns the current value.
int decrementAndGet()Decrement the current value by one and returns the current value.
int getAndAdd(int value)Returns the current value and adds to be "value" argument.
int addAndGet(int value)Adds the value to be "value" argument, and returns the current value.