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class AreaTrigger

AreaTrigger is a type of physics that can be used to check if an object is in a certain area. This physics prevents the object from colliding with any other object.

public class AreaTrigger
extends PhysicsEntity

— Constructors (1) —

AreaTrigger()Creates a new AreaTrigger

— Methods (6) —

boolean triggerWithName(String objectName)Checks if the object with the same name as the text defined to be "objectName" is in the real area of the object.
boolean isTriggering()Return if any object is in the actual object area.
ArrayList getTriggerList()Return a ArrayList\<Collision> containing all "collisions" informations with the actual object.
Collision getTrigger(int id)Return a Collision class with all informations about the "collision" information with index == idx in getTriggerList method return value.
[PhysicsLayer] getPhysicsLayer()Return the PhysicsLayer of the AreaTrigger component.
void setPhysicsLayer([PhysicsLayer] layer)Define the PhysicsLayer of the AreaTrigger component to be "layer" argument.

— Inherited Methods (7) —

SpatialObject getObject()Returns the current SpatialObject component.
String getTittle()Returns the current name of the component.
boolean colliderWithName(String objectName)Checks if the current object is colliding with the object whose name is defined to be "name" argument.
boolean isColliding()Returns if the actual object is colliding with any object.
List\<Collision> getCollisionList()Returns a List\<Collision> with all collisions informations that are ocurring with the actual object.
Collision getCollisionAt(int idx)Returns a Collision class with all informations about the collision information with index == idx in getCollisionList method return value.
int getCollisionsCount()Returns the number of collisions.