void setTorque(float torque, int wheelID) | Sets the current object torque(acceleration force) to be "torque" argument and wheel with id == wheelID. |
void setBrake(float brake, int wheelID) | Sets the current object brake to be "brake" argument and wheel with id == wheelID, but you need that the torque be equals 0. |
void setSteer(float steer, int wheelID) | Sets the wheel with id == wheelID angle with steer to be "steer" argument. |
void setSteerRelativeVelocity(float steer, int wheelID) | Sets the wheel angle taking into account the actual object's current speed, which helps prevent the car from overturning. |
void setMaxSteerAngle(float maxSteer) | Sets the max wheel angle to be "maxSteer" argument. |
void setMinSteerAngle(float steer) | Sets the min wheel angle to be "steer" argument. |
void setSteerMaxSpeed(float speed) | Sets the max current object speed in km/h to be "speed" argument. |
float getSpeedKMH() | Returns the actual object speed in km/h. |
float getSuspensionLength() | Returns the current object suspension length. |
void setSuspensionLength(float value) | Sets the current object suspension length with value to be "value" argument. |
float getSuspensionCompression() | Returns the current object suspension compression. |
void setSuspensionCompression(float value) | Sets the current object suspension compression with value to be "value" argument. |
float getSuspensionDamping() | Returns the current object suspension damping. |
void setSuspensionDamping(float value) | Sets the current object suspension damping with value to be "value" argument. |
float getSuspensionStiffness() | Returns the current object suspension stiffness. |
void setSuspensionStiffness(float value) | Sets the current object suspension stiffness with value to be "value" argument. |
boolean isStaticConfigs() | Checks if the static configurations is enabled. |
void setStaticConfigs(boolean value) | If the value is true, the configurantions will be the default configuration, if the value is false the configurations will be the actual configuration. |
ArrayList getWheels() | Returns an ArrayList with all wheels that are childs of the current object. |