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class VehiclePhysics

VehiclePhysics is a specialized type of physics for automobiles with various functions that assist in creating your automobile.

public class VehiclePhysics

— Constructors (1) —

VehiclePhysics()Creates a new VehiclePhysics.

— Methods (19) —

void setTorque(float torque, int wheelID)Sets the current object torque(acceleration force) to be "torque" argument and wheel with id == wheelID.
void setBrake(float brake, int wheelID)Sets the current object brake to be "brake" argument and wheel with id == wheelID, but you need that the torque be equals 0.
void setSteer(float steer, int wheelID)Sets the wheel with id == wheelID angle with steer to be "steer" argument.
void setSteerRelativeVelocity(float steer, int wheelID)Sets the wheel angle taking into account the actual object's current speed, which helps prevent the car from overturning.
void setMaxSteerAngle(float maxSteer)Sets the max wheel angle to be "maxSteer" argument.
void setMinSteerAngle(float steer)Sets the min wheel angle to be "steer" argument.
void setSteerMaxSpeed(float speed)Sets the max current object speed in km/h to be "speed" argument.
float getSpeedKMH()Returns the actual object speed in km/h.
float getSuspensionLength()Returns the current object suspension length.
void setSuspensionLength(float value)Sets the current object suspension length with value to be "value" argument.
float getSuspensionCompression()Returns the current object suspension compression.
void setSuspensionCompression(float value)Sets the current object suspension compression with value to be "value" argument.
float getSuspensionDamping()Returns the current object suspension damping.
void setSuspensionDamping(float value)Sets the current object suspension damping with value to be "value" argument.
float getSuspensionStiffness()Returns the current object suspension stiffness.
void setSuspensionStiffness(float value)Sets the current object suspension stiffness with value to be "value" argument.
boolean isStaticConfigs()Checks if the static configurations is enabled.
void setStaticConfigs(boolean value)If the value is true, the configurantions will be the default configuration, if the value is false the configurations will be the actual configuration.
ArrayList getWheels()Returns an ArrayList with all wheels that are childs of the current object.