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class VehicleWheel

Physics of a vehicle's wheels.

public class VehicleWheel extends Component

— Constructors (2) —

VehicleWheel()Creates a new VehicleWheel.
VehicleWheel([Type] type)Creates a new VehicleWheel with its type("ContactPoint" or "Model") defined to be "type" argument.

— Methods (17) —

float getRadius()Returns the current radius of the VehicleWheel.
void setRadius(float value)Sets the current radius of the VehicleWheel to be "value" argument.
float getSuspensionRestLength()Returns the rest length of the current VehicleWheel suspension.
void setSuspensionRestLength(float value)Sets the rest length of the current VehicleWheel suspension to be "value" argument.
float getFrictionSlip()Returns the current VehicleWheel friction slip.
void setFrictionSlip(float value)Sets the current VehicleWheel friction slip to be "value" argument.
boolean getPosPhysicsFunctionEnabled()Returns whether the pos physics function is enabled or disabled.
void setPosPhysicsFunctionEnabled(boolean value)Defines whether the pos physics function is enabled or disabled to be "value" argument.
Vector3 getModelPosition()Returns the current position of the VehicleWheel model.
Quaternion getModelRotation()Returns the current rotation of the VehicleWheel model.
void setTorque(float torque)Sets the current VehicleWheel torque(acceleration force) to be "torque" argument.
void setBrake(float brake)Sets the current VehicleWheel brake to be "brake" argument.
void setSteer(float steer)Sets the steer to be "steer" argument.
void setSteerRelativeVelocity(float steer)Sets the wheel angle taking into account the actual object's current speed, which helps prevent the car from overturning.
boolean isShowGizmo()Returns true if VehicleWheel Gizmos is enabled, false if not.
void setShowGizmo(boolean torque)Defines whether VehicleWheel Gizmos will be enabled or disabled to be "value" argument.
void setType([Type] type)Defines the VehicleWheel type("ContactPoint" or "Model") to be "type" argument.