boolean colliderWithName(String objectName) | Checks if the current object is colliding with the object whose name is defined to be "name" argument. |
boolean isColliding() | Returns if the actual object is colliding with any object. |
List\<Collision> getCollisionList() | Returns a List\<Collision> with all collisions informations that are ocurring with the actual object. |
Collision getCollisionAt(int idx) | Returns a Collision class with all informations about the collision information with index == idx in getCollisionList method return value. |
int getCollisionsCount() | Returns the number of collisions. |
boolean isGravityEnabled() | Returns the gravity state, enabled or disabled. |
void setGravityEnabled(boolean enabled) | Sets the object gravity state, enabled or disabled to be "enabled" argument. |
float getMass() | Returns the object mass. |
void setMass(float value) | Sets the object mass to be "value" argument. |
float getFriction() | Returns the object friction value. |
void setFriction(float value) | Sets the object friction value to be "value" argument. |
float getLinearDamping() | Returns the object linear damping. |
void setLinearDamping(float value) | Sets the object linear damping to be "value" argument. |
float getAngularDamping() | Returns the object angular dampung. |
void setAngularDamping(float value) | Sets the object angular damping to be "value" argument. |
void addForce(Vector3 value) | Add force to the object according to the global axis in each frame to be "vector3" arguments. |
void addForce(float x, float) y, float z) | Add force to the object according to the global axis in each frame to be "x", "y" and "z" arguments. |
void addForceBySecond(Vector3 value) | Add force to the object according to the global axis in each second to be "vector3" arguments. |
void addForceBySecond(float x, float y, float z) | Add force to the object according to the global axis in each second to be "x", "y" and "z" arguments. |
void addVelocity(Vector3 value) | Add velocity to the object according to the global axis in each frame to be "vector3" arguments. |
void addVelocity(float x, float y, float z) | Add velocity to the object according to the global axis in each frame to be "x", "y" and "z" arguments. |
void addVelocityBySecond(Vector3 value) | Add velocity to the object according to the global axis in each second to be "vector3" argument. |
void addVelocityBySecond(float x, float y, float z) | Add velocity to the object according to the global axis in each second to be "x", "y" and "z" arguments. |
Vector3 getVelocity() | Returns the actual object velocity. |
void setVelocity(Vector3 value) | Sets the objetct velocity to be "vector3" argument. |
[PhysicsLayer] getPhysicsLayer() | Returns the PhysicsLayer of the Rigidbody component. |
void setPhysicsLayer([PhysicsLayer] layer) | Defines the PhysicsLayer of the Rigidbody component to be "physicsLayer" argument. |
Vector3 getGravityMultiplier() | Returns the gravity value of the object. |
void setGravityMultiplier(Vector3 vector) | Sets the object's severity value to be "vector" argument. |