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class ParticleEmitter

The particle emitter in the scene.

public class ParticleEmitter extends Component

— Constructors (1) —

ParticleEmitter()Creates a new instance of ParticleEmitter.

— Enumerators (6) —

public enum AlphaBased {
None, AlphaOverLifetime, BySpeed

public enum ColorBased {
Constant, ColorOverLifetime, BySpeed

public enum ColorMode {
Normal, Additive

public enum EmissionShape {
Sphere, Cone

public enum SizeBased {
SizeOverLifetime, Constant, BySpeed

public enum TransparencyBased {
Disabled, Alpha, GreyScale

— Methods (39) —

Particle emit(Vector3 position, Vector3 movement)Emits particles in the direction and position defined to be arguments.
boolean isAllowEmission()Returns true if particle emission is enabled, returns false if not.
void setAllowEmission(boolean value)Defines whether the emission of particles will be enabled or disabled.
[AlphaBased] getAlphaBased()Returns the transparency of the particles according to the AlphaBased enum options.
void setAlphaBased([AlphaBased] value)Sets the transparency of the particles according to the AlphaBased enum options.
Curve getAlphaOverLifeTimeCurve()Returns the transparency of particles over the lifetime curve.
void setAlphaOverLifeTimeCurve(Curve value)Sets the transparency of particles over the lifetime curve.
Color getColor()Returns the current color of the particles.
void setColor(Color value)Sets the current color of the particles.
[ColorBased] getColorBased()Returns the current color of the particles according to the ColorBased enum options
void setColorBased([ColorBased] value)Sets the current color of the particles according to the ColorBased enum options
[ColorMode] getColorMode()Returns the current color mode of the particles according to the ColorMode enum options.
void setColorMode([ColorMode] value)Sets the current color mode of the particles according to the ColorMode enum options.
ParticleConeShapeOptions getConeShapeOptions()Returns the options for the particle cone emission format.
ParticleSphereShapeOptions getSphereShapeOptions()Returns the particle sphere emission format options.
[EmissionShape] getEmissionShape()Returns the type of particle emission format.
void setEmissionShape([EmissionShape] value)Defines the type of particle emission format.
float getEmitDelaySeconds()Returns the particle emission delay time.
void setEmitDelaySeconds(float value)Sets the particle emission delay time.
float getGravityMultiplier()Returns the particle gravity multiplier value.
void setGravityMultiplier(float value)Sets the particle gravity multiplier value.
int getLayer()Returns the current layer of particles.
void setLayer(int value)Sets the current layer of particles.
float getMaxLifeSeconds()Returns the maximum lifetime of particles.
void setMaxLifeSeconds(float value)Sets the maximum lifetime of particles.
int getMaxParticles()Returns the maximum number of particles emitted by the ParticleEmitter.
void setMaxParticles(int value)Sets the maximum number of particles emitted by the ParticleEmitter.
[SizeBased] getSizeBased()Returns the particle size according to the SizeBased enum options.
void setSizeBased([SizeBased] value)Sets the particle size according to the SizeBased enum options.
Curve getSizeOverLifeTimeCurve()Returns the size along the lifetime curve of the particles.
void setSizeOverLifeTimeCurve(Curve value)Sets the size along the particle lifetime curve.
float getStartSize()Returns the current starting size of the particles.
void setStartSize(float value)Sets the current starting size of the particles.
float getStartSpeed()Returns the current initial velocity of the particles.
void setStartSpeed(float value)Sets the current starting velocity of the particles.
[Texture] getTextureInstance()Returns the current texture of the particles.
void setTextureInstance([Texture] value)Sets the current particle texture.
[TransparencyBased] getTransparencyBased()Returns the transparency of particles according to the options of the TransparencyBased enum.
void setTransparencyBased([TransparencyBased] value)Sets the transparency of the particles according to the TransparencyBased enum options.