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class Vector4

Vector4 is a Vector with 4 positions, respectively, X, Y, X and W, that is, a vector in 4d dimension space. They are used to store positions, directions, etc.

public class Vector4

— Constructors (9) —

Vector4()Creates a new Vector4 with all values setted as 0.
Vector4(float a)Creates a new Vector4 with all values setted to be "a" argument.
Vector4(int a)Creates a new Vector4 with all values setted to be "a" argument.
Vector4(float x, float y)Creates a new Vector4 with X and Y setted as "x' and "y" arguments respectively, Z and W stted as 0.
Vector4(int x, int y)Creates a new Vector4 with X and Y setted as "x' and "y" arguments respectively, Z and W stted as 0.
Vector4(float x, float y, float z)Creates a new Vector4 with X, Y and Z setted as "x" , "y" and "z" arguments respectively, W setted as 0.
Vector4(int x, int y, int z)Creates a new Vector4 with X, Y and Z setted as "x" , "y" and "z" arguments respectively, W setted as 0.
Vector4(float x, float y, float z, float w)Creates a new Vector4 with X, Y, Z and W setted as "x" , "y", "z" and "w" arguments respectively.
Vector4(int x, int y, int z, int w)Creates a new Vector4 with X, Y, Z and W setted as "x" , "y", "z" and "w" arguments respectively.

— Methods (11) —

float getX()Return the current X value inside of this vector.
float getY()Return the current Y value inside of this vector.
float getZ()Return the current Z value inside of this vector.
float getW()Return the current W value inside of this vector.
void setX(float value)Sets the current X value inside of this vector with a new value.
void setY(float value)Sets the current Y value inside of this vector with a new value.
void setZ(float value)Sets the current Z value inside of this vector with a new value.
void setW(float value)Sets the current W value inside of this vector with a new value.
void set(Vector4 value)Sets the current value within this vector with a new vector of the argument.
void set(float a)Sets the current value within this vector to a new value.
void set(float x, float y, float z, float w)Sets the current x, y, z and w value within this vector to a new value.