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How to enable and change cubic sky texture in your game

Step 1​

  • Go to sky settings.

Step 2​

  • By default the shader is already Cubic, but if it is not Cubic, click to change the shader.

Step 3​

  • Select the Cubic option.

Step 4​

  • Click to select a new texture.

Step 5​

  • Open the files folder.

Step 6​

  • Select the folder the texture is in, by default there is already a sky texture in your project.

Step 7​

  • Select the texture.

Step 8​

  • Click on DONE.

Step 9​

  • If you want to place another texture, you need to import it into your project, and then follow the same process taught in this topic.


  • Pattern texture:

  • Texture imported for example: