SpatialObject getObject() | Returns the parent SpatialObject that the LaserHit collided with. |
void setObject(SpatialObject object) | Sets the parent SpatialObject that the LaserHit will collide with as the value of the "object" argument. |
SpatialObject getColliderObject() | Returns SpatialObject regardless of whether it is a child or parent object that LaserHit collided with. |
SpatialObject setColliderObject(SpatialObject object) | Defina o SpatialObject como o LaserHit colidirá independentemente se ele for um objeto filho ou pai como o valor do argumento "object". |
Vector3 getPoint() | Returns the index of the vertex of the SpatialObject that LaserHit collided with. |
void setPoint(Vector3 point) | Sets the index of the vertex of the SpatialObject which LaserHit collided with to be "point" argument. |
Vector3 getNormal() | Returns the normal of the SpatialObject that LaserHit collided with. |
void setNormal(Vector3 normal) | Sets the normal of the SpatialObject that LaserHit collided with to be "normal" argument. |
Vector3 getFaceNormal() | Returns the Normal face of the SpatialObject that LaserHit collided with. |
void setFaceNormal(Vector3 normal) | Sets the Normal face of the SpatialObject which LaserHit collided with to be "normal" argument. |
Vector3 getFaceNormalLocal() | Returns the Normal face of the SpatialObject which LaserHit collided with to be "normal" argument and applies it to Vector itself. |
void setFaceNormalLocal(Vector3 normal) | Defines the Normal face of the SpatialObject which LaserHit collided with to be "normal" argument and applies it to Vector itself. |
float getDistance() | Returns the LaserHit distance. |
void setDistance(float distance) | Sets the LaserHit distance to be "distance" argument. |