class ModelRenderer
It is responsible for rendering an object in the scene, and manipulating its material, 3D model, etc.
public class ModelRenderer extends Component
— Constructors (2) —
Constructor | Description |
ModelRenderer() | Creates a new ModelRenderer. |
ModelRenderer(Vertex vertex) | Creates a new ModelRenderer with its current Vertex defined to be "vertex" argument. |
— Methods (13) —
Name | Description |
void setModelFile(VertexFile file) | Defines the file with the 3D model to be "file" argument. |
void setMaterialFile(MaterialFile file) | Defines the file with the material to be "file" argument. |
Material getMaterial() | Returns the ModelRenderer material. |
void setMaterial(Material material) | Sets the ModelRenderer material to be "material" argument. |
Vertex getVertex() | Return the ModelRenderer Vertex. |
void setVertex(Vertex vertex) | Sets the ModelRenderer vertex to be "vertex" argument. |
boolean isWireFrame() | Returns true if the ModelRenderer's WireFrame(line-only rendering mode) mode is enabled, false if not. |
void setWireframe(boolean wireframe) | Defines whether the ModelRenderer's WireFrame(line-only rendering mode) mode will be on or off to be "wireFrame" argument. |
void attachPrimitive(int primitive) | Sets the ModelRenderer model to a primitive model to be "primitive" argument. |
float[] getRenderMatrix() | Returns the ModelRenderer rendering matrix. |
void setRenderMatrix(float[] renderMatrix) | Sets the ModelRenderer render matrix to be "renderMatrix" argument. |
[BatchingChannel] getBatchingChannel() | Returns the ModelRenderer batching. |
void setBatchingChannel([BatchingChannel] value) | Defines(modifies) the ModelRenderer batching channel to be "value" argument. |