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class WorldController

The WorldController class is responsible to manage the current world, like getting all objects, getting the world load status, etc.

public class WorldController

— Methods (15) —

void loadWorld(WorldFile worldFile)This method load a world from a WorldFile.
SpatialObject findObject(String name)This method searches an object and if it exist, will return it, otherwise will return NULL.
ArrayList getObjectList()This method return a ArrayList\<SpatialObject> containing all objects from the current world.
int getObjectsCount()This method return the object count in the current world.
SpatialObject getObject(int index)This method return an object on the current world at index index, if doesn't exist return NULL.
List\<Component> listAllComponents(String tittle)This method return all components from all objects where the name is equal to tittle.
List\<Component> listAllComponents([Class] classReference)This method return all components from all objects where the component class is equal to classReference.
float getLoadPercent()This method return the current world loading progress in percentage.
float getLoadProgress()This method return the current world loading progress.
int getLoadedCount()This method return the count of loaded objects in the world.
int getLoadTotal()This method return the count of maximum objects to load in the world.
boolean isLoaded()This method return true if the world is loading.
LightSettings getLightSettings()This method return the current world LightSettings.
[PhysicsSettings] getPhysicsSettings()This method return the current world [PhysicsSettings].
WorldPathFinder getPathFinder()This method return the world WorldPathFinder.

— Static Methods (7) —

void loadWorldAsync(WorldFile worldFile)This method loads a world from a WorldFile parallel to the current world.
String getLoadMessage()Returns a String with elements loaded from the world.
SpatialObject findObjectWithTag(String tagName)Returns a SpatialObject with the tag defined to be "tagName" argument.
List\<SpatialObject> findObjectsWithTag(String tagName)Returns a list of all SpatialObject with the tag defined to be "tagName" argument.
SpatialObject findRandomObjectWithTag(String tagName)Returns a random SpatialObject with the tag defined to be "tagName" argument.
int countObjectsWithTag(String tagName)Returns an int with the amount of SpatialObject with the tag defined to be "tagName" argument.
boolean hasObjectsWithTag(String tagName)Returns true if a SpatialObject has the tag defined to be "tagName" argument.