class WorldController
The WorldController class is responsible to manage the current world, like getting all objects, getting the world load status, etc.
public class WorldController
— Methods (15) —
Name | Description |
void loadWorld(WorldFile worldFile) | This method load a world from a WorldFile. |
SpatialObject findObject(String name) | This method searches an object and if it exist, will return it, otherwise will return NULL. |
ArrayList getObjectList() | This method return a ArrayList\<SpatialObject> containing all objects from the current world. |
int getObjectsCount() | This method return the object count in the current world. |
SpatialObject getObject(int index) | This method return an object on the current world at index index , if doesn't exist return NULL. |
List\<Component> listAllComponents(String tittle) | This method return all components from all objects where the name is equal to tittle . |
List\<Component> listAllComponents([Class] classReference) | This method return all components from all objects where the component class is equal to classReference . |
float getLoadPercent() | This method return the current world loading progress in percentage. |
float getLoadProgress() | This method return the current world loading progress. |
int getLoadedCount() | This method return the count of loaded objects in the world. |
int getLoadTotal() | This method return the count of maximum objects to load in the world. |
boolean isLoaded() | This method return true if the world is loading. |
LightSettings getLightSettings() | This method return the current world LightSettings. |
[PhysicsSettings] getPhysicsSettings() | This method return the current world [PhysicsSettings]. |
WorldPathFinder getPathFinder() | This method return the world WorldPathFinder. |
— Static Methods (7) —
Name | Description |
void loadWorldAsync(WorldFile worldFile) | This method loads a world from a WorldFile parallel to the current world. |
String getLoadMessage() | Returns a String with elements loaded from the world. |
SpatialObject findObjectWithTag(String tagName) | Returns a SpatialObject with the tag defined to be "tagName" argument. |
List\<SpatialObject> findObjectsWithTag(String tagName) | Returns a list of all SpatialObject with the tag defined to be "tagName" argument. |
SpatialObject findRandomObjectWithTag(String tagName) | Returns a random SpatialObject with the tag defined to be "tagName" argument. |
int countObjectsWithTag(String tagName) | Returns an int with the amount of SpatialObject with the tag defined to be "tagName" argument. |
boolean hasObjectsWithTag(String tagName) | Returns true if a SpatialObject has the tag defined to be "tagName" argument. |