class Gizmo
Class responsible for rendering elements in the scene, for example lines and models, is used for visual debugging in the scene.
public class Gizmo
— Static Methods (10) —
Name | Description |
void drawVertex(Vertex vertex, Vector3 position) | Renders in the scene a vertex defined to be "vertex" argument with its current position defined to be "position" argument. |
void drawVertex(Vertex vertex, Vector3 position, Color color) | Renders in the scene a vertex defined to be "vertex" argument with its current position defined to be "position" argument and color to be "color" argument. |
void drawVertex(Vertex vertex, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) | Renders in the scene a vertex defined to be "vertex" argument with its current position defined to be "position" argument and rotation to be "rotation" argument. |
void drawVertex(Vertex vertex, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 scale) | Renders in the scene a vertex defined to be "vertex" argument with its current position defined to be "position" argument, rotation to be "rotation" argument and scale to be "scale" argument. |
void drawVertex(Vertex vertex, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 scale, Color color) | Renders in the scene a vertex defined to be "vertex" argument with its current position defined to be "position" argument, rotation to be "rotation" argument, scale to be "scale" argument and color to be "color" argument. |
void drawVertex(Vertex vertex, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 scale, boolean wireframe) | Renders in the scene a vertex defined to be "vertex" argument with its current position defined to be "position" argument, rotation to be "rotation" argument, scale to be "scale" argument and sets whether Gizmo's WireFrame(line-only rendering mode) mode will be on or off to be "wireframe" argument. |
void drawVertex(GizmoElement gizmoObject) | Renders in the scene a GizmoElement defined to be "gizmoObject" argument. |
void drawGizmo(GizmoElement gizmoObject) | Renders in the scene a GizmoElement defined to be "gizmoObject" argument. |
void drawElement(GizmoElement gizmoObject) | Renders in the scene a GizmoElement defined to be "gizmoObject" argument. |
void draw(GizmoElement gizmoObject) | Renders in the scene a GizmoElement defined to be "gizmoObject" argument. |