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class Shader

The Material Shader builder.

public class Shader

This class has a static subclass

class Builder

— Constructors (2) —

Builder()Creates a new instance of Builder.
Builder(String vertexCode, String fragmentCode)Creates a new instance of Builder with the vertex code and fragment code defined to be the arguments.

— Methods (23) —

String getVertexCode()Returns the code of the current vertex of the Shader.
[Builder] setVertexCode(String vertexCode)Sets the code of the current vertex of the Shader.
[Builder] setVertexCode(VertexGLSLFile] file)Sets the code of the current vertex of the Shader.
[Builder] setVertexCode(VertexShader vertexShader)Sets the code of the current vertex of the Shader.
String getGeometryCode()Returns the current geometric code of the Shader.
[Builder] setGeometryCode(String geometryCode)Sets the current geometric code of the Shader.
[Builder] setGeometryCode(GeometryGLSLFile file)Sets the current geometric code of the Shader.
[Builder] setGeometryCode([GeometryShader] fragmentShader)Sets the current geometric code of the Shader.
String getFragmentCode()Returns the code of the current Shader fragment.
[Builder] setFragmentCode(String fragmentCode)Sets the code of the current Shader fragment.
[Builder] setFragmentCode(FragmentGLSLFile file)Sets the code of the current Shader fragment.
[Builder] setFragmentCode([FragmentShader] fragmentShader)Sets the code of the current Shader fragment.
[Builder] createProgram()Create a program.
boolean isGeometryShaderActive()Returns true if geometric shader is enabled, returns false if not.
[Builder] activateGeometryShader(boolean value)Defines whether or not the geometric shader will be enabled.
[Builder] compileVertex()Compiles the vertex of the Shader.
[Builder] tryCompileVertex([CompileErrorListener] compileErrorListener)Compiles the vertex of the Shader if it returns a [CompileErrorListener].
[Builder] compileGeometry()Compiles the geometry of Shader.
[Builder] tryCompileGeometry([CompileErrorListener] compileErrorListener)Compiles Shader geometry if it returns a [CompileErrorListener].
[Builder] compileFragment()Compiles the Shader fragment.
[Builder] tryCompileFragment([CompileErrorListener] compileErrorListener)Compiles the Shader fragment if it returns a [CompileErrorListener].
Shader create()Create a Shader.
Shader tryCreate([ShaderErrorListener] shaderErrorListener)Creates a Shader if it returns a [ShaderErrorListener].