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class Input

It is the interface in the input system, controls screen taps, button taps etc.

public class Input

— Methods (27) —

Key getKey(String name)Returns the key passed to be "name" argument.
Key registerKey(String name)Registers the key passed to be "name" argument.
void registerKey(Key key)Registers the key passed to be "key" argument.
boolean isKeyDown(String name)Returns true if the key passed to be "name" argument was pressed, returns false if not.
boolean isKeyPressed(String name)Returns true if the key passed to be "name" argument is being pressed, returns false if not.
boolean isKeyUp(String name)Returns true if the key passed to be "name" argument was pressed and released, returns false if not.
[Touch] getTouch(int id)Returns the screen touch position passed to be "id" argument (starts from 0).
Vector2 getTouchPosition(int id)Returns the screen touch position passed to be "id" argument (starts from 0).
Vector2 getTouchPosition(int id, Vector2 out)Returns the screen touch position passed to be "id" argument (starts from 0) applied to the Vector to be "out" argument.
boolean isTouchDown(int id)Returns true if the "id" argument touch was pressed, returns false if not.
boolean isTouchPressed(int id)Returns true if the "id" argument touch is being pressed, returns false if not.
boolean isTouchUp(int id)Returns true if the "id" argument touch was pressed and released, returns false if not.
Axis getAxis(String name)Returns the name of the axis passed to be "name" argument.
Axis registerAxis(String name)Registers the axis passed to be "name" argument.
Vector2 getAxisValue(String name)Returns the values of the axis passed to be "name" argument.
Vector2 getMaxSlide()Returns the maximum values of the axis.
GamePadButton getButton(String name)Returns the button(control) passed to be "name" argument.
float getAxis(String name)Returns the axis(control) passed to be "name" argument.
Vector2 getLeftJoystick()Returns the left Joystick(control).
Vector2 getRightJoystick()Returns the right Joystick(control).
String[] getAvailableButtons()Returns all available buttons(control).
String[] getAvailableAxis()buttonReturns all available axis (control).
KeyboardButton getKey(String name)Returns the key passed to be "name"(keyboard) argument.
String[] getAvailableKeys()Returns all available keys(keyboard).
List\<KeyboardButton> getDownButtons()Returns all buttons on the device's virtual keyboard that were pressed.
List\<KeyboardButton> getPressedButtons()Returns all buttons on the device's virtual keyboard that are being pressed.
List\<KeyboardButton> getUpButtons()Returns all buttons on the device's virtual keyboard that were pressed and released.

— Static Methods (3) —

boolean isKeyboardOpen()Returns true if the device's virtual keyboard is enabled, false if not.
void removeKeyboardRequest(Component component)Requests the device's virtual keyboard to close with the Component that will force it to close to be "component" argument.
void addKeyboardRequest(Component component)Requests the opening of the device's virtual keyboard with the Component that will force its opening to be "component" argument.