class LaserCasting
LaserCasting is a beam with distance, position and direction in the scene, they are mainly used to create advanced shooting systems among other systems.
public class LaserCasting extends Component
— Constructors (1) —
Constructor | Description |
LaserCasting() | Creates a new instance of LaserCasting. |
— Methods (8) —
Name | Description |
float getDistance() | Returns the current LaserCasting distance. |
Vector3 getHitFaceNormal() | Returns a Vector3 with the positions of the normals of the face of the object that LaserCasting collided. |
SpatialObject getHitObject() | Returns the object that the LaserCasting collided with. |
Vector3 getHitPoint() | Returns a Vector3 with the position of the contact point of the object with which the LaserCasting collided. |
Vector2 getHitUVCoord() | Returns a Vector2 with the UV coordinates of the object the LaserCasting collided with. |
boolean isInfinity() | Returns true if LaserCasting has the "Infinity" option enabled, returns false if not. |
void setDistance(float value) | Sets the current LaserCasting distance. |
void setInfinity(boolean value) | Defines if the LaserCasting will be "Infinite" or not. |