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class VoxelHand

The player's hand for the Voxel system.

public class VoxelHand
extends Component

— Constructors (1) —

VoxelHand()Creates a new VoxelHand.

— Methods (18) —

float getDistance()Returns the current distance of the VoxelHand.
void setDistance(float value)Sets the current distance of the VoxelHand.
int getCrossHairSize()Returns the current crosshair size value of the VoxelHand.
void setCrossHairSize(int value)Sets the current crosshair size value of the VoxelHand.
Color getCrossHairColor()Returns the current crosshair color of the VoxelHand.
void setCrossHairSize(Color value)Sets the current crosshair color of the VoxelHand.
[Texture] getCrossHairTexture()Returns the current texture of the VoxelHand crosshairs.
void setCrossHairTexture([Texture] value)Sets the current VoxelHand Crosshair Texture.
boolean isShowCrosshair()Returns true if VoxelHand crosshairs are on, false if not.
void setShowCrosshair(boolean value)Sets whether VoxelHand crosshairs are on or off.
int getSelectedBlockID()Returns the id of the selected VoxelHand block.
void setSelectedBlockID(int value)Sets the id of the selected VoxelHand block.
int getLastHitBlockID()Returns the id of the last block broken by VoxelHand.
void requestPut()Requests to place a block to the position the VoxelHand points to.
void requestBreak()Requests to break the block pointed to by VoxelHand.
boolean isBlockBroken()Returns true if a block is broken, false if not.
boolean isBlockPlaced()Returns true if a block is placed, false if not.
void setListener([Listener] value)Sets the VoxelHand listener.